For Regional Center Lucknow Student
Practical location....
Uptec Lucknow
For Regional Center Lucknow Student
Practical location....
Uptec Lucknow
[ ] Servlet, applet
[ ] Thread priorities
[ ] Daemon thread, multithreading
[ ] Servlet session handling
[ ] Insert, update, delete using java DBMS, JDbC, ODBC
[ ] Polymorphism
[ ] Java controls, layout manager
[ ] "this" keyword
[ ] Inheritance, super class
[ ] Distributed system and RMI
[ ] Overload, overlapping
[ ] Garbage collection
[ ] Exception
[ ] Java beans
[ ] String buffer
[ ] Interface in Java
[ ] Security in classes, abstraction
[ ] WAP radius, linked list, input string and concat, uppercase, File handling, area of circle, square
[ ] Print circle in applets
[ ] Distributed database
[ ] ER diagram, Advance Diagram
[ ] Deadlock
[ ] Concurrency Management
[ ] Views, Join
[ ] DML, DDL
[ ] 3tier architecture
[ ] Database Manager
[ ] Keys, index, sequence
[ ] Acid property
[ ] Snf, bcnf, 3nf
[ ] Data replication
[ ] Rdbms vs dbms
[ ] NTFS
[ ] Packet switching
[ ] IPsec
[ ] EFS services
[ ] Firewall
[ ] Lan, man, wan
[ ] Shell script n flowchart
[ ] Network interface card- nic
[ ] TOKEN RING protocols
[ ] Vpn
[ ] Coaxial cable and optical cable
[ ] Tcp/ip model
[ ] Network layer n transport layer
[ ] Linux command
[ ] Kerberos
[ ] Print server, print queue manager
[ ] Domain Name server in Linux
[ ] File access mechanism in Linux
[ ] User mode and kernel mode
[ ] Windows server 2000
[ ] TFTP, FtP
[ ] User creating in 2000 server
[ ] Backup domain contoller
[ ] Reverse string using shell
[ ] File security
[ ] OSI
[ ] Repeater, routers, hub, switch
[ ] Snmp
[ ] Fault tolerance system
[ ] 2000 server Layerd architecture
[ ] Gui
[ ] Batch process
[ ] Networks types
[ ] Modem types
[ ] Infrared
[ ] NFS network files server
[ ] Offline file feature
[ ] IDs Instrusion detection system
[ ] Packet filters
[ ] Trust relationship in 2000