Certainly! Below is an example of an 8086 assembly language program that finds the highest of four byte values stored in memory and leaves the highest value in the AL register:
section .data
values db 45h, 32h, 7Eh, 21h ; Replace these values as needed
section .text
global _start
mov al, [values] ; Load the first byte into AL
mov bl, [values+1] ; Load the second byte into BL
cmp al, bl ; Compare the first and second bytes
jge check_next ; Jump to check_next if AL >= BL
mov al, bl ; Move the value of BL to AL if BL > AL
mov bl, [values+2] ; Load the third byte into BL
cmp al, bl ; Compare the current highest value (AL) with the third byte
jge check_last ; Jump to check_last if AL >= BL
mov al, bl ; Move the value of BL to AL if BL > AL
mov bl, [values+3] ; Load the fourth byte into BL
cmp al, bl ; Compare the current highest value (AL) with the fourth byte
jge exit_program ; Jump to exit_program if AL >= BL
mov al, bl ; Move the value of BL to AL if BL > AL
; Add any additional code here if needed
; Exit the program
mov eax, 1 ; System call number for sys_exit
xor ebx, ebx ; Exit code 0
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
This program uses a series of comparisons to find the highest value among the four bytes in the `values` array. Replace the values in the `values` array with your desired byte values. Compile and run the program using an assembler and linker, as explained in the previous response.
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