"Explain the following in the context of Internet and its applications,giving their features and uses:(i) Search Engine (ii) Micorsoft Edge"

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(i) Search Engine:


1. Web Crawling: Search engines use automated programs called crawlers or spiders to browse the web and index web pages. These crawlers follow links and collect information about the content on various websites.

2. Indexing: The collected information is organized into an index, which is a database containing details about the content of web pages. This allows for quick retrieval of relevant information when a user performs a search.

3. Ranking Algorithms: Search engines employ complex algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of web pages. Pages are ranked based on factors like keywords, content quality, links, and user engagement.

4. User Interface: Search engines provide a user-friendly interface where users can enter search queries. The results are displayed in a structured manner, often with snippets from relevant pages.


1. Information Retrieval: Users can quickly find information on a wide range of topics by entering relevant keywords into the search engine.

2. Web Navigation: Search engines help users discover new websites and navigate the vast landscape of the internet by providing links to relevant and authoritative sources.

3. Research: Researchers and professionals use search engines to gather information, conduct market research, and stay updated on the latest developments in their fields.

4. E-commerce: Consumers use search engines to find products and services, compare prices, read reviews, and make informed purchasing decisions.

(ii) Microsoft Edge:


1. Web Browser: Microsoft Edge is a web browser developed by Microsoft, designed for Windows 10 and later versions. It replaced Internet Explorer as the default browser.

2. Integration with Windows: Edge is tightly integrated with the Windows operating system, offering features like Cortana integration, Windows Ink, and seamless synchronization with Microsoft accounts.

3. Performance: Edge is built for speed and efficiency, with a fast rendering engine to load web pages quickly. It also supports modern web standards for enhanced compatibility.

4. Security: Edge includes security features such as SmartScreen, which helps protect users from phishing and malicious websites, and Windows Defender SmartScreen for additional security measures.

5. Extensions: Edge supports extensions, allowing users to customize their browsing experience by adding functionalities through extensions available in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store.


1. Browsing: Microsoft Edge is primarily used for browsing the internet, accessing websites, and viewing online content.

2. Productivity: Edge integrates with Microsoft 365 applications, offering productivity features like web-based versions of Microsoft Office apps and smooth integration with Windows features.

3. Reading Mode: Edge includes a Reading Mode that provides a distraction-free reading experience by removing ads and irrelevant elements from web pages.

4. Cortana Integration: Edge integrates with Microsoft's virtual assistant, Cortana, providing users with personalized suggestions, reminders, and quick access to information.

Microsoft Edge serves as a versatile web browser with features aimed at enhancing both browsing and productivity experiences for users within the Microsoft ecosystem. 

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